Well, I knew that ending this month was going to be a challenge, but God has been good and faithful to me. Preaching in the worship service on the 19th was amazing. I felt really alive.
Always remember:
Singing unites God's people to respond to His glory, out of the authentic affections of their hearts.
That evening we went to Austin to lead worship at a youth rally. Stupid me, didn't realize how tired you are after preaching all morning. Many of you may wonder about preaching and singing and whats the difference between. I think singing fills me and preaching pours out of me. I am so comfortable singing and playing. This is very easy for me. Preaching however wears me out, makes me trust in GODS Strength, and rushes out of me leaving me exhausted. Not sure why this is true, but both give me great joy. I will trust the LORD has purpose for this.
Lastly, after a long week, we ended last night with a concert with Charlie Hall and Phil Wickham. What a great experience!! Things went so smoothly, and we were blessed with great musicians. I got a chance to talk to Charlie for a while about worship and Passion (a ministry he is apart of). I was encouraged and strengthened from our conversation.
Whats next for me? I have no idea...a long summer of youth camps, a new baby boy in July, and the joy of Jesus opening the next door to minister to His people.
Bless you all!
april 27, 2009