I think I have a big idea. You know when your living a normal everyday life and something big enters your mind...your heart...your spirit. This ones big. An idea that could rock my world for the next decade or so. So here's to big ideas... I will let you know more about this dream next Tuesday. Blessings,
swayze's video journal

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Worldwide Methodist Movement: Costa Rica
This is the team we took to Costa Rica. What an incredible time of worship, adventures, and God's Spirit. We were humbled, broken, uplifted, filled, motivated, moved, and downright tired after our 10 day journey through the jungles, hills, and plains of Costa Rica. We led a spiritual emphasis week for the Methodist High School in San Jose, led four night services, and ended our week with a total of 13 different worship gatherings. We estimate that 300+ students gave there life to the Lord.
I have no idea what is happening. I think perhaps our team is changing. We were a decent band, knew our worship songs, and had a heart for kids. But this week, God seems to have changed us. After Ryan invited the team to lead students in prayer after his messages, I saw a transformation in RT, Steven, Alison, Kyle, and Callen. They prayed over kids, led many too the Lord, weeped over different issues in students lives, and seemed to push the kingdom further into this school in San Jose. It was an honor to watch God change us from a music team to a ministry team. Thank you Lord!!
On Tuesday night, the pastors of San Jose came and spent the evening worshiping with us. Ryan invited them to pray over the room and I saw men and women both laying, weeping, and praying over the floor where the next day many kids would stand. It was a special night for me. I was standing outside looking over the city when I heard the bishop of Costa Rica invite all the "Texas folks" to the front. I walked to where he was and found our whole team kneeling and receiving prayers from all those attending. I don't remember much of what happened but that we stood up differently. We knew our space was soaked in the Spirit, and the ground was holy. Many many students came to the Lord the following day. Hundreds and hundreds...
Monday, April 27, 2009
A Long, Crazy, Blessed Week

Well, I knew that ending this month was going to be a challenge, but God has been good and faithful to me. Preaching in the worship service on the 19th was amazing. I felt really alive.
Always remember:
Singing unites God's people to respond to His glory, out of the authentic affections of their hearts.
That evening we went to Austin to lead worship at a youth rally. Stupid me, didn't realize how tired you are after preaching all morning. Many of you may wonder about preaching and singing and whats the difference between. I think singing fills me and preaching pours out of me. I am so comfortable singing and playing. This is very easy for me. Preaching however wears me out, makes me trust in GODS Strength, and rushes out of me leaving me exhausted. Not sure why this is true, but both give me great joy. I will trust the LORD has purpose for this.
Lastly, after a long week, we ended last night with a concert with Charlie Hall and Phil Wickham. What a great experience!! Things went so smoothly, and we were blessed with great musicians. I got a chance to talk to Charlie for a while about worship and Passion (a ministry he is apart of). I was encouraged and strengthened from our conversation.
Whats next for me? I have no idea...a long summer of youth camps, a new baby boy in July, and the joy of Jesus opening the next door to minister to His people.
Bless you all!
april 27, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
How Can We Keep From Singing
Watch this video. I love that Steven made this of the band hanging out before a youth service. Its hilarious. And for the record, I would never stuff an 8 year old girl while she is shooting a basketball.
What have I been doing lately? Preparing for a sermon I am giving on Sunday. That's right, I'm preaching and not singing. Sort of ruins my Friday and Saturday day off. I can pick music and rehearse and pretty much breeze through the rest of the week before Sunday. However, writing a sermon takes me hours and hours and hours to prepare. I really want to teach our community about the importance of singing. I came up with this one line definition that I think will really help us.
Singing unites God's people to respond to His glory out of the authentic affections of our hearts.
1. Unity: Singing allows us to unite and proclaim the Truth of God like nothing else does in community.
2. Responding: Singing gives us the freedom to respond to who God is and what He has done.
3. Authentic Affections: We are able to express our deepest emotions through singing.
I am really excited about Sunday. God has provided me with wisdom when I wasn't sure it was going to come. Praise be to Jesus who calls us and equips us.
Also, the book of Exodus is a great read! I can remember most of the story of Moses but love recalling God's rescue of the Israelites at the Red Sea , etc. Did you know that when the Israelites created a god with their golden earrings (Exodus 32), they were not trying to create a new god, but were trying to form the God, The LORD, into an image of there own. Too bad its impossible to take an infinite Being and make Him finite. Plus it was a huge law-breaking of the second commandment ("Do not make an idol of any form..."). However, I felt pretty convicted of my own manipulation of God into the songs I sing and the thoughts I have of Him. He is not the culmination of my songs nor the definition of my thoughts...He is more and more and more!
May our strength be found in Him and may our thoughts of Him be worship! God bless you all!
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